The puppies are three weeks old!!
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
This is a brown boy that only has one foot with white on it.
Always a sleepy one in the bunch!
This is the brown boy with four white feet.
This is another brown boy that has white on two of his feet.. The three brown boys look so similar that I have to look at the white on their feet to tell them apart. We have one boy with one white foot, one boy with 2 white feet, and one boy that thas all four feet with white on them - and a little tip on his tail too!
The puppies are so different this week as compared to last week. They are up and walking, barking, and starting to play with each other. They even had their first taste of food/mash yesterday - on their 3 week birthday. This is when the fun really begins for me, when I get down on their level with them, they are starting to wag their tails and come over to me. Their little personalities are starting to emerge!