Comes Cordis Orcia CM

Comes Cordis Orcia CM

Monday, February 23, 2015

Orcia's Puppies 4.5 Weeks Old

Don't let all of the cute sleeping pictures fool you...they are spunky!  They sleep hard and they play hard!  I had to throw them a toy to get their interest for a second while I snapped the individual pictures.  They are fast!!

Brown Boy #5

Patch Girl #2

Brown Girl #3

Patch Boy #7
Sorry...I only got one good picture of him, the rest are blurry  :)

Brown Boy #6
...and him too!

Patch Boy #1

I woke him up and it took him a few second to wake up, so I took advantage and snapped a few real quick!

Patch Boy #4

I uploaded the pictures to the blog, counted them and realized I didn't take any of this sweet boy.  Too many patch puppies!  :D  

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